Mother’s Day Prayer

Originally given during the service on Sunday, May 14, at Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.


O, God, today we grieve with motherless children of all ages & childless mothers of all vocations. We grieve with families who have lost loved ones & for whom this day is particularly painful reminder of that loss. Today we resist the religiously abusive teachings that suggest a woman is worth what her womb produces. We give thanks for families- biological, adopted, chosen, & otherwise.


We give thanks for the women of our tradition who guide us with their wisdom- Mother Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, Miriam, Deborah, Esther, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Phoebe, & even those women who are unnamed, but whose stories we cherish close to heart.


We give thanks for the women of history who inspire us in their courage- Mother Perpetua & Felicity, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Katherine von Bora, Julian of Norwich, Sojourner Truth, Mother Teresa, Sofia Mendoza, Maya Angelou, Cheryl Branham, Sally Sarratt, Maria Swearingen.


We give thanks for the Holy Spirit who leads us with her feminine care & guidance. O God, may the Spirit blow through our lives, guiding us, loving us, comforting us, pushing us, pulling us, inspiring us, making all things renewed. Amen.



Mary, Our Mother by Angela Yarber